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What is the British Standard used for Fire Resistance Testing?

British Standard BS476 is a series of test standards for fire testing on building materials and structures.

A fire fighter using a fire hose

BS476 relates to the British standard for fire testing on building structures and materials; it's split between several parts. For the determination of the fire resistance of elements of construction. Read in conjunction with BS 476 Part 21, BS 476 Part 22 and BS 476 Part 23, together they constitute a complete revision to BS 476 Part 8, which is now withdrawn despite being referenced through building regulations and other legislative documents.

Materials that show conformity to BS 476 can provide the added assurance regarding the contributory safety factor in the event of a fire.

For the purposes of these parts, elements of construction are categorized into three main groups:

  1. Loadbearing elements that have a fire resistance

  2. Non-loadbearing elements that have a fire resistance

  3. Elements that make a contribution to the fire resistance of a structure

The specific requirements for the testing of these groups are described in Parts 21 to 23 respectively. Guidance and background information that will assist the designer and the testing authority to select and evaluate specimens that are more representative of situations in practice are given in appendices to the four Parts.

This form of Fire Resistance testing is conducted on vertical and horizontal furnaces on which the elements of construction and supporting via a supporting construction and heated under extremely controlled conditions for the duration that is required. Specimens are tested to destruction and evaluated against specific performance criteria including the specimens ability to maintain it’s separating function by resisting the passage of fire and minimising the temperature rise on the unexposed surface.

A member of UKTC's testing team prepares to the fire test specimen.

The UKAS accredited laboratory at United Kingdom Testing and Certification boasts a large 3 x 3 meter vertical furnace with a bespoke data acquisition software package capable of automating the test procedure to ensure high compliance with the BS 476 Part 20.

At United Kingdom Testing and Certification, we offer an economical route for research and development testing and also regularly collaborate with Notified Bodies to provide a suite of fire certification. United Kingdom Testing and Certification currently offers fire resistance testing of Doorsets, Glazing Systems, Walls & Partitions and Linear Joint Seals. Our team are on hand to guide you through the Fire Resistance process.


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